Build a custom music press kit

Create an EPK with your content, images, links and more to showcase your brand and work.


Simplify your press-kit with a one-sheet doc that captures you instantly.

Full EPKs for every need

Get a complete multi-page press kit for reaching out to brands (partnerships), venues (bookings) and press (features).

What's Included:

Artist Bio

Who are you? Where yo grandma stay? Don't know? Tell us about yourself and our a.i. generator will write you a custom bio.

Contact Information

Include all and any basic contact info you'd like to share. Phone number, email, manager information (if available), website and more.

Social Media Links

We'll link all your social media handles on your press kit and include engagement stats including followers, likes & comments.

Media Images

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Project Management

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Customer Relations

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Book More Gigs

Connect with venues and send them your work. If they’re impressed, they can book you or keep your information on file.

Book More Partnerships

Reach out to brands to promote their products or services. Get paid in kind or cash when you arrange a partnership.

Book More Features

Get featured on media outlets like blogs and radio stations or share your work with playlist curators and get more features.


Affordable Solutions
for Growth

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Custom One-Sheeter

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$ 99 99

Premium Plan

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$ 359 99
Customizable Service Packages
Performance Analytics Dashboard
Integration with Existing Systems

Full EPK

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$ 159 99



Fill out your info, upload photos and get a custom EPK sent to your inbox in minutes!

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Build Your Custom Music Press Kit

Get started today and build your music resume! Create a full EPK or one-sheeter!

© 2025 Created with Love by Artispreneur, Inc.